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Patience Ritual Oil


Introducing our 'Patience' ritual oil – a serene elixir meticulously crafted to instill tranquility, calm, and harmonious balance. Infused with a thoughtful blend of soothing botanicals and essential oils, this enchanting potion serves as your guide on the path to cultivating patience from within. With each application, allow the gentle aroma to wash over you, gently slowing the pace of life's demands. As you anoint yourself, feel the subtle yet powerful transformation taking place, ushering in a sense of quiet composure and inner stillness. 'Patience' ritual oil reminds you that true harmony is found in embracing life's rhythms at your own pace, offering a fragrant reminder that patience is not just a virtue – it's a source of enduring strength and enduring peace.

Please see the "Directions for Use" tab for ritual information.


Enter the realm of the "Patience" ritual oil, a special blend created to cultivate patience, calm, and harmony in your life. Follow these steps to harness its serene energy:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can fully engage in the ritual. Take a few moments to center yourself through deep, mindful breaths.

Setting Your Intention:
Hold the "Patience" ritual oil bottle in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize the qualities you seek – patience, calmness, and harmony. Formulate a clear and heartfelt intention for your ritual, whether it's to enhance your patience, cultivate inner calm, or promote harmony in your surroundings.

Creating a Tranquil Space: (Optional)
To create an atmosphere of tranquility, consider cleansing the space using methods like smudging or visualization. This will help establish a conducive environment for your ritual.

Gently open the ritual oil bottle. Inhale its soothing aroma deeply, allowing it to instill a sense of calm. While doing so, repeat your intention silently or aloud. Visualize your intention taking root within you.

Roll on the oil, starting at your heart center and gently moving in a downward motion, towards your belly. Envision the oil enveloping you in a cocoon of patience, calmness, and harmonious balance. You may also apply to any pulse points that feel good to you, including wrists, neck, temples, feet, etc.

While applying the oil, recite affirmations that align with your intention. Create affirmations centered around patience, inner calm, and harmonious interactions. Speak these affirmations with a sense of quiet confidence.

Moments of Stillness:
After anointing yourself, sit in stillness for a few moments. Close your eyes and visualize yourself embodying the qualities of patience, calm, and harmony. Feel the oil merging with your energy, nurturing your intentions.

Sealing the Energy:
Hold your hands out, palms facing upward. Inhale the oil's aroma once more, and as you exhale, imagine your intention rippling outwards, creating an aura of tranquility and harmony.

Expression of Gratitude:
Take a moment to express gratitude for the patience, calmness, and harmony you're inviting into your life. Thank the ritual oil for its role in this serene transformation.

Regular Integration:
Make the "Patience" ritual oil a part of your daily routine, using it to support your patience, inner calm, and harmonious interactions. Consistency will strengthen the connection between the oil's energy and your intention.

Remember, the true power of the "Patience" ritual oil lies in your intention and belief. Through regular use and a positive mindset, you can amplify its effects and invite the desired qualities into your life. Embrace the journey towards patience, calmness, and harmonious balance!


sweet almond oil, essential oils of rose*, lavender*, and pine


Regular price $10.00

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